Gentle Nutrition and Advanced Intuitive Eating UK Course
Stop the confusion and challenge over food choices. start enjoying nourishment,
JOIN MY SELF-LED COURSE (with a separate course people who have ADHD)
with Jeanette Thompson-Wessen aka The Mindset Nutritionist
Start when suits you – Take as long or do it as quickly as you would like
Making food choices shouldn’t feel so difficult.
Imagine food becoming easier.
Imagine nutrition becoming something that is just uncomplicated.
Imagine being able to feel empowered with your own food choices.
Take your Intuitive Eating and anti diet journey further.
“You can’t nourish yourself unless you are intentionally trying to lose weight” is something diet culture has led us to believe.
I created this self-led course with you in mind.
I hear how much fear food choices consume you.
I see the confusion on your face about what diets and diet culture has told you about eating.
I remember you talking to me about how difficult choosing food is.
But not just from a diet culture point of view but also a fat point of view. We know that being fat adds an extra layer of difficulty to food choices. That extra layer of difficulty comes from that anti fatness in society messaging around nutrition. When we go onto any website about nutrition, the intentional weight loss message is crammed into most of the corners of the pages, but also made extremely clear.
The clear message being; you can’t nourish yourself unless you are intentionally trying to lose weight.
You absolutely can learn how to nourish yourself.
You have done SO much work in your relationship with food. This is your next step towards a life where you don’t have to be ruled by food and food choices. A life where you have more mind space for your day to day life. Where you can use nutrition as a tool rather than a rule. A tool that adds unjudgemental flexibility for our wildly human lives in a way that adds compassion and kindness.
If these sound like you, then this is the course for you!
Should I eat this?
Shouldn’t I eat this?
Am I allowed to eat this?
What shall I chose to eat?
I feel lost with how to include gentle nutrition.
I’ve been an intuitive eater for a while but I get bored with my food.
I’ve been an intuitive eater for a while but I feel like I “overeat”.
I’ve been an intuitive eater for a while but feel like I am held back by a fear of weight gain.
I am an intuitive eater but would like to know how to eat to support “health”.
I feel like planning/shopping/cooking is too much/overwhelming right now.
Now is your time to take your Intuitive Eating to the next level.
Free from confusing and contradictory messaging found in diet culture and always fat positive.
More importantly now is your time to learn HOW to eat to b eable to nourish yourself in a way that looks after you and those around you regardless of weight.
Can you imagine being empowered in your nourishment choices?
Your Investment
£100 per month for 4 months.
Or ask me for any other payment plan duration; the answer will pretty much always be yes.
What does this price include?
- Approximately 3 months of self-led coaching currently.
- Modules with videos, captions, presentations and worksheets.
- New modules every 3 months.
- An option to opt into monthly accountability emails for 6 months.
Current modules include: –
- Have a foundation in real, evidenced-informed nutrition.
- Understand the wider context and nuance of nourishing ourselves.
- Can make informed decisions on how to support your health with food.
- Discover how to fit gentle nutrition into your life in a way that works for you.
- Know how to put together meals in a gentle nutrition way.
About Me
Hello! I am Jeanette Thompson-Wessen. Your Fat Futurist Nutritionist.
I am beyond passionate in caring and supporting people in unlearning the messages society has sold us and learning to take up space as you are due to aot of my own lived experience as a mid fat person.

Happy Clients
Being part of a small group of folk with very similar issues helped me start looking at myself differently. Jeanette’s amazing knowledge and gift of facilitating a safe space where we could share our deepest fears and our body stories has led me to start practising self-compassion. I was able to notice the disconnect between me being able to feel deeply compassionate towards the other group members, but not toward myself. We all had similar experiences so it made me realise that self-compassion was so key to my journey. It is easy to read books on intuitive eating but Jeanette is able to make it become more available and possible. I looked forward to each session and was very sad when we finished.
For one: it is so great to be among like minded people who are done with diet culture and are willing to learn about what’s necessary to thrive. I was in groups before but this group really stands out. Here I can breathe out
Your Gentle Nutrition Curriculum
This is a self led course with unlimited access including videos with captions, worksheets and extra resources covering the following: –
What actually is Gentle Nutrition?
The foundations of nutrition.
Ultra processed foods.
Eating for cholesterol, high blood pressure and heart disease risk.
Eating for perimenopause and menopause.
Eating for gut health.
How much do we eat of everything?
How to build a plate.
How to meal plan with intuitive eating and gentle nutrition in mind.
How to build Gentle Nutrition into your life.
COMING SOON – Overcoming fear of weight gain.
- COMING SOON – Still finding hunger/fullness difficult?
- New updates every 3 months!