Intuitive Eating Coaching exclusively for Large Bodied/Fat folks in the UK

12 week Group Coaching Intuitive Eating course exclusively for fat people who are fed up of dieting but still want to support their health with food.


Starting again 16th September 2024

Intuitive Eating Coaching exclusively for Large Bodied/Fat folks in the UK

12 week Group Coaching Intuitive Eating course exclusively for fat people who are fed up of dieting but still want to support their health with food.

Starting again 9th September 2024.

Wave Goodbye to yo-yo dieting for good.

Work out how to stop binge eating.

Find out about emotional eating.

You must be tired from Yo yo dieting the majority of your life or tired knowing that diets not working but not taking it any further and are searching for something a real and realistic sustainable change. You just cannot keep thinking about food 24/7 and worrying about your body.

You are probably here because you are in a large body and have a lifetime of dieting and weight loss/gain behind you.

Food has probably ruled your life and you just cannot continue to diet anymore, there has to be some other way.

This means you probably have a lifetime of shame around your size and have a complicated relationship with food.

I know it goes deeper than that, a lifetime of living in a world that does not fit us, that judges us as “lazy” and “greedy” which couldn’t be further from the truth.

We’ve internalised that our weight is a choice and that we are inherently unhealthy because of our size.

I need to tell you that you don’t have to feel that shame and judgement for the rest of your life. You don’t have to lose weight to be have healthy behaviours. We are not just “lazy” and “greedy”, but we are unique people deserving of more than the floor standard of common decency.

I have to tell you that you can become confident around your food choices. Food doesn’t have to be something you think about 24/7. You can learn to keep biscuits and crisps in the house with the trust that it’s OK not just to keep them in the house but also to eat them.

You can learn to eat in a way that serves you in your life, through a kind and compassionate lens which means no more “all or nothing” with dieting.

No more “all or nothing” leaves you with a framework of healthy behaviours you can tap in throughout your life with care and respect for yourself rather than shame and hatred. With this Intuitive eating course, this could change your life.

Your Investment

Your Investment for Fat and Nourished Group Coaching


Payment plan – £300 per month for 3 months.


What is included?

High level support and motivation for people who need want to find food freedom and healthy behaviours that work for them.

  • 12 sessions 1,5 hours long. One a week on Monday.
  • Join our whatsapp chat for support from myself and other in the group.
  • Each session includes a work booklet and additional reading to really help you along your journey.
  • Weekly check in/celebrations.
  • BONUS Free 1 year subscription to The Table membership (Worth £180)

Where is it?

Fat and Nourished will be found on Whatsapp, Zoom and a course website called podia.

Your Fat and Nourished Curriculum

We cover your relationshop with food during the 12 weeks of the group coaching.

Ditching the diets. Why this is so important for people in large bodies.
Learning how to be your own best friend using self compassion.
Hunger 1- the biology and how to lean into your hunger.
Hunger 2- How fatness makes leaning into hunger more difficult.
Learn how to neutralise food.
Start to give yourself unconditional permission to eat.
Exploring tools for unconditional permission to eat and talking about what comes up around fatness.
Discovering fullness.
How to vibe with your meal.
Weight stigma and health – how this impacts us and how we can help.
Joyful movement/exercising with a large/fat body. Discovering fat accommodation.
“Health”, Fat liberation and fat futurism.

 The Fat and Nourished Framework

Over the past 4 years, I have developed a framework that I use to work with my clients, the goal being to leave you empowered with the tools they need to navigate their life in the body you have when you have settled into healthy behaviours that work for them and are importantly accessible to them. I center this Intuitive Eating course around the large/fat persons lived experiences.

I use my Fat and Nourished framework leaves you feeling good about looking after yourself regardless of your weight.

The Fat and nourish framework intuitive eating coach course UK

This is for you right now….

You already know that dieting doesn’t work but you are struggling to feel like you are eating well or having healthy behaviours because of your big body.

You may be stuck between dieting and eating what you want but you can’t seem to move forwards with eating better plus you do not feel like you are looking after yourself.

You have read the books, followed and absorbed the social media around intuitive eating and anti-diet but you can’t seem to do it on your own.

This isn’t for you right now….

People who are not plus sized (usually size 18 plus).

Not for people who are not open to feminist concepts.

Not for people who want to be told meal plans and specifics (you need to become the expert of your own body).

Notice how I do not include people who are dieting… can still want to diet but also want to stop dieting at the same time.

You can trust your body to let you know what and when to eat.

I know because I have helped so many people learn this.

It’s time for you to take back that space that food and body has taken up in your mind.

It’s time to quieten that food noise.

You’ve done enough watching from a distance. Now is the time for you.

The Fat and Nourished Framework is exactly what you need.


Fat and Nourished


will support you to:

Heal your relationship with food and get rid of disordered eating.
Find a way to honour your body in a way that feels good for you and fits into your life.
Gently rejecting diet culture and weight loss in time.
Develop healthy habits that support your health (what ever health looks like or means to you).

Learn how to nourish your body.

Learn more about your body and how it really works, putting you are the expert of yourself.

Be able to challenge internalised fat phobia to change how you view your body and others.

Know how much you need to eat, letting your body take the lead (where possible).

Quieten down food noise and help be kinder to yourself.

In Fat and Nourished, you will change the way you think about food and start having the tools to work on how you feel about your body in the 3 months we are together and then have the progression of support from my membership afterwards.

About Me

Hello! I am Jeanette Thompson-Wessen. Your Fat Nutritionist and Intuitive Eating Coach in the UK

I am fat Nutritionist in Kent, England with a degree in Human Nutrition who happens to have a passion for people learning how to reconnect with their bodies and feel fat positive. Being a specialist in intuitive eating and body neutrality/fat acceptance is something that furfills me. I have completed training in coaching Intuitive Eating and Body Image as well as counselling skills (although I am not a counsellor).
My experience includes over a decade of freelancing as a Nutritionist as well as teaching children how to cook and about Nutrition.

I am beyond passionate in caring and supporting people in unlearning the messages society has sold us and learning to take up space as you are due to aot of my own lived experience as a mid fat person.

You will find me on a school run with my 3 children, 7, 4 and 2 year olds and doing the decorating when I have time and energy. Me and my husband are prolific DIYers.
The Mindset Nutritionist Intuitive Eating coach UK

As seen in

Do You Have Any Questions?


What are the days and time for each session?
Mondays at 7.30pm. If something comes up, I can ask permission from the other clients to record the essential part of the week that I can share.
Can I join even if I want to lose weight?
Of course you can! Most people start this journey from a place of wanting to lose weight. This is something we will work on together during our coaching calls. I will never encourage weight loss.
Will I lose weight doing this?
We won’t be focusing on your weight. There is plenty of research that shows that if you focus on your weight rather than other healthy behaviours (like improving your mental health, working on your relationship with food, etc) you are less likely to be able to make these habits part of your life. We want to find a way to help develop healthy behaviours that you can use guilt free throughout your life. Saying that, noone can tell how your weight will fluctuate. You may maintain your weight, gain weight or lose weight. We can’t tell what body your body will recovery in to, but that is also something we work on in coaching.
I used to have an eating disorder, can I will join?
Yes you can! Jeanette is not eating disorder trained (yet) which means that she won’t be the person to directly help you with your recovery. But Jeanette can work with you as long as you are working with an eating disorder specialist. If you get in touch with Jeanette, she can recommend you some great therapists/specialists and you can have the best support available to you to recover for good!
I have an eating disorder at the moment, can I join in?
This really depnds on so many things.THe best thing to do is contact Jeanette and she will help you work out if this is the best thing for you. Your needs and recovery is the priority at all times.
I cannot afford the price of this course but would really like to join in.
Get in contact! Lets organised a payment plan duration that works for you!

Happy Clients

Jeanette, I really cannot thank you enough for what you have given me. This course was so much harder than I thought it would be, but the rewards are even better than I could have imagined. I just ate french toast! I put nutella on it! NUTELLA!! It seems hyperbolic to say that you’ve changed my life, but I think you might have. This course revealed to me just how deep my issues with food go and how they affect every area of my life. Cutting away those food rules is going to free up so much of my life. I can’t wait to cook a meal that I haven’t meticulously planned and counted.
Being part of a small group of folk with very similar issues helped me start looking at myself differently. Jeanette’s amazing knowledge and gift of facilitating a safe space where we could share our deepest fears and our body stories has led me to start practising self-compassion. I was able to notice the disconnect between me being able to feel deeply compassionate towards the other group members, but not toward myself. We all had similar experiences so it made me realise that self-compassion was so key to my journey. It is easy to read books on intuitive eating but Jeanette is able to make it become more available and possible. I looked forward to each session and was very sad when we finished.
For one: it is so great to be among like minded people who are done with diet culture and are willing to learn about what’s necessary to thrive. I was in groups before but this group really stands out. Here I can breathe out

Your Fat and Nourished Curriculum

We cover your relationshop with food during the 12 weeks of the group coaching.

Ditching the diets. Why this is so important for people in large bodies.
Learning how to be your own best friend using self compassion.
Hunger 1- the biology and how to lean into your hunger.
Hunger 2- How fatness makes leaning into hunger more difficult.
Learn how to neutralise food.
Start to give yourself unconditional permission to eat.
Exploring tools for unconditional permission to eat and talking about what comes up around fatness.
Discovering fullness.
How to vibe with your meal.
Weight stigma and health – how this impacts us and how we can help.
Joyful movement/exercising with a large/fat body. Discovering fat accommodation.
“Health”, Fat liberation and fat futurism.

It is important that my personal values align with my business values. With this in mind and for clarity: –

  • I do not charge extra for payment plans. Payment plans are a way of making my offerings more financially accessible and I believe that noone should have to pay more for that. But as a marginalised person myself, if you can pay in full and you chose to, you make a significant difference to myself and my business and thank you. If you want to ask me for any other payment plan length that is accessible to you, please let me know.
  • As I grow, I aim to offer sponsorships to people. This is not realistic to myself in the place I am in my business. My goal is to be able to offer these end of 2025.
  • My offerings are accessible for people with multiple marginalised identities and bodies. I am an LGBTQIA+ ally. I actively challenge ableism, classism, healthism, racism but sometimes I may get things wrong. Please do be open with me if you feel safe enough to and you have the energy so I can do and do the work and do better.