Why Intuitive Eating Affirmations for Plus Size People?

I have loved creating these intuitive eating affirmations as a plus sized person myself. Intuitive eating is different when someone who is large bodied / fat (I use this as a neutral descriptor) wants to do it. It has to be different because our experiences in a large body differs from the experience of someone who is far smaller than us.

Our considerations are that we fear weight gain more, we worry about other people’s judgement of us and we know that we are told that weight loss in the best thing we can do for ourselves.

This is why I have created an Intuitive eating affirmation list for plus sized people who want to do Intuitive Eating. I have a free pdf you can grab as well to print out and get these affirmations around the house in places that you can easily see to help you along.

What is an Intuitive Eating Affirmation?

 These are statements you can use to help support your journey with Intuitive Eating. They can feel motivating and rewarding. They can be inspiring, helpful and relatable while also cheering you on. Being a Nutritionist and Intuitive Eating specialist, I work with large bodied people to heal their relationship with food and their body and love cheering people using these kinds of affirmations.

I work specifically with large bodied people because I am a large bodied person myself. I know how hard it is to give up on dieting and weight loss. Then healing our relationship with food looks different as well. To understand this more, we need to explore the relationship between intuitive eating and weight.


How does Intuitive Eating Impact Weight?


With Intuitive Eating, we do not know if we will maintain weight, lose weight or gain weight. There is no calculator that will help us there unfortunately. It isn’t like a diet where we can get some numbers from somewhere. Even then, those numbers are not accurate. And the reason behind that is, your body is far more complicated than those simplified equations that weight loss coaches use to find out calorie deficit etc.

I remember having to work out my own Basel Metabolic Rate (my metabolism rate) and that included having to use instruments to measure the amount of oxygen and carbon dioxide I was using/expelling and then using those numbers with a load of other numbers in a massive equation to accurately work my BMR out. Yea, these things are never so simple.

Intuitive eating is inclusive of people of all sizes. Which means while we explore eating and healing our relationship with food (commonly destroyed by years of dieting) we also need to work on our relationship with our body to help with our resilience.

If you are worried about Intuitive Eating and weight gain, this is so common! And I know that this is something you can absolutely move towards improving for yourself. I have written a blog all about intuitive eating and weight gain here which might be useful! But also have a follow of me on my instagram, I post alot about weight there in a body positive and fat positive way.


Intuitive Eating is Weight Neutral


Intuitive eating is in fact weight neutral. But……..there are not many intuitive eating specialists who are informed or trained enough to work with fat people. Typically, many intuitive eating specialists have small bodies themselves and are classed as straight sized (not plus sized) which means they do not have the experience of having been in a large/fat body to fully support a client who is fat themselves. But in saying that, there are some specialists who have gone out of the way to pay and learn from people like me (a fat nutritionist and intuitive eating specialist) who have really pushed themselves to be safe spaces for large bodied people.

So although intuitive eating is weight neutral, pick and chose who you follow/see privately for your intuitive eating life. Not all intuitive eating specialists are created equal. And if you fancy working with someone who understands you and is an expert in fat acceptance as well; then I’m your person.


Affirmations are like your cheerleader


I have created these intuitive eating affirmations for plus size people with you in mind. An affirmation is a wonderful way to bring this journey out of your screen and into your home. Remember to nab my free pdf with these affirmations ready to print and looking beautiful to add to your home. Affirmations are great on mirrors, on food cupboards, on the fridge. You deserve to be able to become an intuitive eater regardless of your size and I hope these affirmations help you.


  • My body deserves love and respect at any size.
  • I trust my body’s wisdom in guiding me to the nourishment it needs.
  • I release judgment about the size of my body and embrace its uniqueness.
  • My worth is not determined by my weight; I am valuable as I am.
  • I choose foods that honour my body’s hunger and fullness cues.
  • I let go of societal expectations and embrace my body’s natural shape.
  • All bodies are different.
  • I celebrate this body diverse world.
  • I am deserving of delicious and satisfying meals; free from guilt.
Large body intuitive eating affirmations
  • I reject the diet culture that perpetuates negative stereotypes about larger bodies.
  • My body is strong and capable.
  • My body is worthy of love and care regardless of my size.
  • I am worthy.
  • I do not need conform to external beauty and thinness standards.
  • My body, my rules.
  • I trust my body’s ability to find weight it needs to be at.
  • I choose self compassion today.
  • Nourishment is an act of self love.
  • I am deserving of nourishment regardless of my size.
Nourishment intuitive eating affirmation
  • I am more than how much I weigh.
  • I choose foods that energise me.
  • My body is resilient.
  • I appreciate all that my body does for me.
  • I reject that health and happiness are tied to a specific body size.
  • I honour my body by treating it with kindness, regardless of its size.
  • I release comparison and embrace my own body’s journey.
  • My body deserves to be fed.
  • I honour my hunger and fullness cues without judgment.
  • I release any guilt or shame associated with eating.
  • I give myself permission to eat foods I enjoy.
  • I am patient and kind with myself on this journey.
  • My worth is not determined by my body size.
  • I reject diet culture.
  • I celebrate the diversity of bodies.
  • It is ok to feel overfull, I take note of this neutrally.
  • My body is my home.
  • Every meal is an opportunity to nourish and honour my body.
  • I nourish my body through respect, rather than punishment.
body respect intuitive eating affirmation

How to use these Intuitive Eating Affirmations for Plus Sized people in your Journey?

Now you have the affirmations, how do you use them? The trick is to try and build the affirmations into your life in some way that works for you.

How about trying to focus on one affirmation per day for mindfulness. Repeating the affirmation to yourself. You could do this with your eye closed or even in front of a mirror. I know how difficult that might be thought so choose a day that feels like an Ok day for that challenge.

If that feels like it is not you, you could print out the affirmations (see below to get them for free) and stick them around your home. On mirrors, on kitchen cupboards, on the way out, etc. This helps remind you about these on a daily basis. Just make sure you rotate these regularly to make sure they do not just blend into your decor! 

These may help you on a daily basis with your intuitive eating. Wonderful cheering and reminders on how your body is a good body and that you deserve nourishment. You are more than capable of intuitive eating with the body you have now. If you like these, then you will love the pdf of these affirmations that I have created for you that are ready to print out. Download the pdf for free below!

Jeanette The Mindset Nutritionist Body image and intuitive eating coach smiling at the beach.
Jeanette Thompson-Wessen is a Fat Futurist Nutritionist, intuitive eating and body image coach. She works through a fat acceptance lens.